All of our training is valuable and Registry Approved, and most of our training courses are FREE. However, if you want the training to be processed, posted on The Registry, and receive a certificate, there is a fee.
Contact us at: for more information.
About Us
Child Care Providers' Helper specializes in providing Registry approved educational resources and professional development tools for childcare providers. We exist to support child care providers in offering high quality child care services to the families they support. We are a non-profit organization. We accept tax-deductible donations. Tax deductible donations will be used to further support our statement of purpose.

Developing the whole child from the cradle to a career.
Provide education and training to improve child care business operations
Provide training and technical assistance to improve quality of care provided
Elevate providers through self-monitoring, learning and adhering to the State of Wisconsin Child Care rules and regulations
Increase longevity in the profession through mutual support, education and training
Teach responsibility and empowerment to help increase co-payment collections
Extend love, patience and understanding to all providers, regardless of sex, race, or creed.
YoungStar is a program of the Department of Children and Families created to improve the quality of child care for Wisconsin children. ​Child Care Providers’ Helper can help child care professionals improve their YoungStar rating by providing education and technical training & assistance.

Evaluates and rates the quality of care given by child care providers
Helps parents choose the best child care for their kids
Supports providers with tools and training to deliver high quality early care
Sets a consistent standard for child care quality
​Click here to contact us and schedule a consultation with one of our representatives.
Click here to view the latest DCF Newsletter: A Resource for Wisconsin Shares & YoungStar Providers.